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World premieres: 8 and 9 September 2024 at the New Stage
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The New Stage
Approximate running time1 hour 10 minutes, no intermission
LanguageIn Czech, surtitles in English
PremiereCzech premieres: 8 and 9 September 2024 at the New Stage
The production includes a meeting with the creators, which takes place immediately after each performance in the auditorium of the New Stage.
This new project prepared by the NT Young section in co-production with NT Drama looks into topics through which contemporary theatre would speak to the target audience of 15+.
- 2024-2025
Hi, Nation. We need to talk. You probably don’t know us. This is our first stage appearance. But
we have something to say. You sure have a lot of problems yourselves. But we’re in dire straits.
So take a minute, and listen.
A theatrical project prepared by the NT Drama and NT Young in cooperation with teenagers from foster institutions.
Cast and creative team: Eliška Slámová, David Holub, Johanna Ceé, Kristýna Mia Zapadlová, Natálie Zahradníková, Seba Abrahám, Anna Čiperová, Karolína Lavičková, Anna Tichá, Petr Nykrýn, Albert Valta
Directing and dramaturgical supervision: Janek Lesák & Natálie Strýčková Preslová
Educational supervision: Zuzana Kráľová
Sets and costumes: Jana Hauskrechtová
Lighting design: Daniel Kozlík
Music: Jan Čtvrtník
The production was prepared by a creative team of young amateurs under the direction of director Janek Lesák and dramaturge Natálie Strýčková Preslová, together with professionals from various fields (direction, dramaturgy, set design, music, sound and lighting design).
Teenagers from foster institutions also participated in the creation of the production. Its main theme is the public's perceptions of contemporary orphanages and similar institutions and the people who live there.
By collecting of authentic materials, we seek the answer to the question – where do our fixed ideas about something, we have no relevant information about, come from? Is it society, the school syllabus from our childhood years or perhaps art that creates them?
The main target group of the production is young audiences, for whom a visit to the National Theatre can be a completely different type of theatre experience, as their own generation will be speaking to them from the stage. A worldwide trend in professional theatre production for teenagers is the involvement of young creators themselves in the process of creating a production, which can take many different forms.
The project involving a professional creative team is included in the NT’s current repertoire, which is a step further for NT Young.
WARNING: Smoke effects, strobe light and vulgar language are used in the performance.
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Where to buy tickets
When purchasing online, you can get an e-ticket. You can pick up printed tickets in person at the box offices of the National Theatre.
The National Theatre sells tickets up to 6 months in advance - currently for February–July 2025.
Sales always start on the 1st day of the month at 9am, except in January when pre-sales do not start until the 2nd day due to a public holiday.
What to wear?
By their appearance, attire and behaviour, the audience is obliged to adhere to the accustomed practice expected from them when attending a theatre performance.
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