The Secret
Premiere performances: 24 and 26 May 2024 at the National Theatre
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Thursday 15. 5.
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Tickets availableSunday 8. 6.
Tickets availableThursday 26. 6.
Tickets availableSunday 23. 11.
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Thursday 11. 12.
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Basic information
The National Theatre
Approximate running time2 hours 30 minutes, 1 intermission (20 minutes) minutes
LanguageIn Czech, surtitles in Czech, English
PremiereMay 24, 2024
The production is part of the celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of Bedřich Smetana’s birth.
- 2024-2025
National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra
National Theatre Opera Ballet
The Secret is Bedřich Smetana’s seventh, and penultimate, opera. It is also the second fruit of the composer’s collaboration with the librettist Eliška Krásnohorská. Completed in May1878, the piece received its premiere the on 18 September at the New Czech Theatre in Prague. The National Theatre first staged the opera on 12 May 1885, on the first anniversary of Smetana’s death. Yet it only attained wide popularity after the post of the opera company’s director had been assumed by the conductor Karel Kovařovic, who was fully aware of the qualities of the mature Smetana work. Krásnohorská furnished Smetana with an exquisite libretto, whose themes may bring to mind William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet or the Czech author Ladislav Stroupežnický’s play Our Uppish and Defiant Fellows, dating from a later time. The story, set in a small Czech town, focuses on a feud between the families of the councillors Malina and Kalina, who for years have jostled for social superiority. Kalina strives to prove that he is not as poor as he was two decades ago, when Malina thwarted him when he wanted to marry his sister Róza. Despite the hostility between their fathers, Malina’s daughter Blaženka and Kalina’s son Vít love each other. All disputes are ultimately settled after the discovery of an old note by Friar Barnabáš, which leads Kalina to a treasure. But are piles of gold the most precious thing to be found? Smetana’s The Secret has been adapted by Ondřej Havelka, a stage director possessing an acute sense for music theatre and humour, noted for his visually captivating storytelling.
The production has been financially supported by the National Theatre Benefactors’ Club.
Suitable for audience from 6 years.
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Where to buy tickets
When purchasing online, you can get an e-ticket. You can pick up printed tickets in person at the box offices of the National Theatre.
The National Theatre sells tickets up to 6 months in advance - currently for February–July 2025.
Sales always start on the 1st day of the month at 9am, except in January when pre-sales do not start until the 2nd day due to a public holiday.
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