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Rozpoviď / Розповідь / Příběh

The New Stage

Basic information


The New Stage

Approximate running time

40 minutes, no intermission

Autorský divadelní projekt 14 teenagerů z Ukrajiny a České Republiky v anglicko-ukrajinsko-česko-ruském jazyce. Pod vedením Mariany Čížkové a Adama Krátkého. Авторський театральний проект 14 підлітків з України та Чехії англо-українсько-чесько-російською мовою. Під керівництвом Марьяни Чіжкової та Адама Краткого. Deviced theatre project with 14 teenagers from Ukraine and Czech Republic in english-ukrainian-czech-russian. Project was lead by Mariana Čížková and Adam Krátký.


Practical information

Where to buy tickets

The National Theatre sells tickets up to 6 months in advance. We are currently selling tickets for performances of Drama, Ballet, Opera and Laterna magika taking place in November 2024 – April 2025.

When purchasing online, you can get an e-ticket. You can pick up printed tickets in person at the box offices of the National Theatre.

What to wear?

By their appearance, attire and behaviour, the audience is obliged to adhere to the accustomed practice expected from them when attending a theatre performance.

Parking at the National Theater

While visiting The National Theatre and the New Stage you can use again the underground car park of the National Theatre. Information and a parking fee.


Buffets on the New Stage

Use Café Nona for refreshments on the New Stage.