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Guest of The Czech National Ballet three times in January 2019



Ballet Prague Junior and Prague Chamber Ballet / Bohemia Balet / Ballet of F. X. Šalda Theatre Liberec

The Czech National Ballet is leaving on tour – Spain 2019. We are offering our stage to guests.

Prague Chamber Ballet and Ballet Prague Junior: Re-start 2019
9 January 2019 at 20pm at The New Stage

Prague Chamber Ballet, the doyen among Czech chamber dance theatre, and its younger brother Ballet Prague Junior (Dance Centre Prague), bring a new performance to The New Stage – Re-start 2019.First part of the evening is devoted to the last premiere of The Prague Chamber Ballet The World of Daisies by Jiří Pokorný (formerly a member of NDT). Intimate Spaces by Samuel Delvaux (Belgium) celebrates Leoš Janáček and in an abstract way touches a painful relationship of an artist who is extremely sensitive to “female inspiration” all around him. A New Beginning is a world premiere of Lidia Wos (Poland/Sweden). Lidia puts the Ballet Prague Junior dancers in front of a pile of old suitcases and lets them move and express the various meanings of the suitcases on stage. A Glimpse of POEtry is a dance horror based on the famous poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. Marek Svobodník creates a “rough” modern piece full of black, absurd humor – with a glimpse of poetry. TICKETS

Bohemia Ballet: Rhapsody in Blue
13 January 2019 at 19pm at The Estates Theatre

Bohemia Ballet is a company belonging to the Dance Conservatory Prague. It stages a dance evening entitled Rhapsody in Blue, a work comprising three pieces created entirely by Czech artists. Sen horké noci (A Hot Night Dream), a premiere by Filip Veverka, is a humorous choreography about a hot summer. Inspiro by Lucie Holánková is inspired by the music of G. F Händel and M. Richter. The last piece of the evening – Gershwin’s famous Rhapsody in Blue – is choreographed by Jiří HorákTICKETS

F. X. Šalda Theatre Ballet from Liberec: (S)tvoření
14 January 2019 at 20pm at The New Stage

The F. X. Šalda Theatre ballet company brings (S)tvoření (Creation), a dance mystery based on taoist texts and philosophy. Water, wood, fire, earth and metal and five corresponding human emotions: fear, anger, joy, sympathy, grief. Colours, sounds, smells, numbers... Mystery, ritual, game, theatre… accompanied by Aries musical band. Choreography, direction and libretto Alena Pešková. TICKETS

photo: Michal Hančovský

