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National burns - workshop

in Czech language

Creative workshop
Adults and children (10+)
Národní jinak

Basic information

Approximate running time

2 hours, no intermission


Participants meet by the main entrance to the National Theatre historical building, 10 minutes before the workshop.

A workshop exploring the history of the National Theatre

Learn history with drama! Come learn about important events in the history of the National Theatre in an interactive way, including its foundation, building, and the famous fire. The workshop takes place directly in the theater’s historical building.

Children will learn in a fun, playful way and will be able to act out the events themselves in improvisation sessions. They will step in the shoes of patriots and lay down the foundation stone. They will meet F. Palacký, the first theatre director J. N. Maýr, and one unfortunate fireman. What exactly did happen that day?

Workshop duration: 120 min

Target group: children 8–13 years

Minimal occupancy: 16 participants

Maximal capacity: 30 participants

Fee: 100 Kč

Participants meet by the main entrance to the National Theatre historical building, Národní 2, Praha 1, 10 minutes prior to the start of the workshop.

For information about dates and bookings please contact Zuzana Kráľová |

Photo and video gallery
