Radomír Švec was born in 1979 in České Budějovice. From 2002 to 2006 he studied acting at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. During his studies he appeared in the roles of Benno Hundekoffer (E. Jelinek: Illness or Modern Woman), Filip (D. Drábek: Aquabelles), Jones (R. Sykora: Le Matin des Magiciens) etc. At the present time, he is performing as a guest at Divadlo Na Fidlovačce in the production Hledá se muž zn. bohatý (Man Sought, Rich), at Divadlo U Hasičů in the production Osud jménem Edit (Fate By the Name Of Edit), which was presented under the heading of the Chanson Theatre, and at HaDivadlo in the production Žert, humor, satira a hlubší význam (Joke, Humour, Satire and Deeper Meaning). As an actor, he has collaborated with the Brno-based film company Bujo-Brothers. He has worked with the directors Martin Čičvák, Jiří Deák, Jiří Honzírek and others. He also devotes to singing, mostly chanson.