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Maguy Marin


(*1951) French dancer and choreographer. One of the most important figures of the French New Wave. She studied in Toulouse and Paris and worked at the Strasbourg Opera Ballet. In 1970 she moved to Brussels, where she studied at the Mudra School of the French choreographer Maurice Béjart. From 1974 to 1977 she worked in his ensemble Ballet of the 20th Century, for which she created the work Yu-ku-ri. In 1978 she founded her own ensemble, since 1984 operating under the name Compagnie Maguy Marin. In addition to her own choreography, she has also worked for the Paris Opera Ballet, the Dutch National Ballet and especially for the Lyon Opera Ballet, where she was residential choreographer from 1991 to 1994. She is the creator of a number of iconic works, of which the TANEC PRAHA Festival has already presented several, most notably May B and Cendrillon.