Lukáš Borik
Lukáš was born in Uherské Hradiště, where, as a boy, he got his first theatre role as Edward, Prince of Wales, in the play Richard III at the Slovácké Theatre. He attended a drama class for children taught by Hana and Stanislav Nemrava. They brought him to the Hoffmann Theatre, where he acted in children’s plays and performed throughout the Czech Republic. After finishing secondary school, he studied at the Zlín Higher School of Art, in the Music and Theatre (Actor’s) Studio led by Rostislav Marek and Jana Kafková. He graduated in 2015. During his studies, he co-operated with the “Scéna” children’s theatre.
Already before his graduation from the Zlín Higher School of Art, Lukáš succeeded in an audition for Black Light Theatre Srnec (the performance “Antología”), with which he travelled Europe, China, and Latin Amerika and where he still performs. He was also involved in the Julie Jurištová Theatre Company and the “Pod kloboukem” Theatre and he has co-operated with the Merlet swordsmanship group. Since 2019, he performs in the famous Czech theatre Semafor (60 Years of Semafor; Six Wives; Nizhny Novgorod) and is also a member of the Losers Cirque Company, a contemporary-circus group (the performance “Audition”).
Lukáš Borik is also a TV actor, having played smaller parts in several Czech TV series (Shadows in Fog; The Specialists; The Professor) and co-operated with foreign productions (World on Fire, Shadows in My Eyes, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier).