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Ivana Machalová

Ivana Machalová

Guest of Laterna magika


Ivana Machalová (born as Huspeková) was born in 1981 in Teplice. She studied under guidance of doc. Václav Martinec at Thether College in Prague in 2000 – 2003. At present she is an active member of following thether groups: Komorní činohra in J. Bábek’s plays – Chaos (The Chaos), Harmonie (The Harmony), Jak jsem se učila řídit (How did i learned to drive), Pacient doktora Freuda ( Dr. Freud’s patient); Geisslers Hofcomoedianten in P. Hašek’s plays – Don Juan aneb strašlivé hodování (Don Juan or Terrible Feast)Polibky (The Kisses), Romeo and Juliet, Ambrosia and Fitzli Putzli. She is a guest artist in Minor theatre in B. Holička’s play Demokracie (Democracy) and in D 21 theatre in J. Ondra’s Ortel (The Verdict) and D. Drábel’s Zvířata na toastech Hhostuje v divadle Minor v inscenaci B. Holička Demokracie a v divadle D 21 v inscenacích J. Ondry Ortel a D. Drábka Zvířata na toastech (Animals on Toasts). She also used to play in Vinohrady theatre, Palác Akropolis or in Klicpera’s theatre in Hradec Králové.