Ivana Machalová (born as Huspeková) was born in 1981 in Teplice. She studied under guidance of doc. Václav Martinec at Thether College in Prague in 2000 – 2003. At present she is an active member of following thether groups: Komorní činohra in J. Bábek’s plays – Chaos (The Chaos), Harmonie (The Harmony), Jak jsem se učila řídit (How did i learned to drive), Pacient doktora Freuda ( Dr. Freud’s patient); Geisslers Hofcomoedianten in P. Hašek’s plays – Don Juan aneb strašlivé hodování (Don Juan or Terrible Feast), Polibky (The Kisses), Romeo and Juliet, Ambrosia and Fitzli Putzli. She is a guest artist in Minor theatre in B. Holička’s play Demokracie (Democracy) and in D 21 theatre in J. Ondra’s Ortel (The Verdict) and D. Drábel’s Zvířata na toastech Hhostuje v divadle Minor v inscenaci B. Holička Demokracie a v divadle D 21 v inscenacích J. Ondry Ortel a D. Drábka Zvířata na toastech (Animals on Toasts). She also used to play in Vinohrady theatre, Palác Akropolis or in Klicpera’s theatre in Hradec Králové.