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Dmitry Fišer

Dmitry Fisher


Born 2 April 1984 in Perm. 2002 – graduated from the Perm State Choreographic College.

2002 to the present – a soloist with the Eifman Ballet, St. Petersburg.

Featured roles since joining the Eifman Ballet:
Double; Prince, Youth, Joker (Tchaikovsky)
Gamache, the rich nobleman (I, Don Quixote)
Friend, Partner (Red Giselle)
Son of the Empress, The Heir (Russian Hamlet)
Hebrew (My Jerusalem)
Alex (Who’s Who)
Treplev (The Seagull)
Lensky (Onegin)
Rodin (Rodin)
Alexey Karamazov (Beyond Sin)
Old man (Requiem)

Recipient of the Golden Soffit Award