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Three Swan Lake workshops



Last few spaces – don’t hesitate to book! Further workshops under preparation: Swan Lake, Timeless and La Fille mal gardée. Follow the section We love ballet!

The magic world of Swan Lake is not only for swans – it is for you, ballet lovers! We offer three workshops to share our common passion for swans and dance – and for the legendary artwork. You will learn more about the history of the piece, about the genius of P. I. Tchaikovsky, we will discuss various ways of interpreting the ballet and the specific way of staging the new John Cranko version in the National Theatre. And of course you can visit the performance itself.

Three SwanLake workshops will take place this Saturday – two of them primarily for families with children and one for adults and students over 12. Our first soloists Nikola Márová and Adam Zvonař will come to share their views.

Those of you who are not able to attend our workshops this Saturday – don’t worry. There will be other opportunities to satisfy your needs and desires. In March we will concentrate on Swan Lake again and later you can look forward to Timeless and La Fille mal gardée workshops.

Follow the section We love ballet.

photo: Martin Roedl

