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The Czech National Ballet in the 2020/2021 season


Three new premieres and the current repertoire for the 2020/2021 season released

The Czech National Ballet repertoire and premieres for the new season 2020/2021 announced

“I am looking forward to the new CNB season. We will offer three premieres, nine titles and a Dance Laboratory project. I must add with joy that we have reached international reputation not only thanks to the successful touring of many countries where we spread the good name of our company but also thanks to our repertoire that measures up to the most renowned world scenes.”
Filip Barankiewicz, Artistic Director of the Czech National Ballet

The 2020/2021 premieres:
Phoenix – Douglas Lee / Alejandro Cerrudo / Cayetano Soto
Three original choreographies created especially for the Czech National Ballet
World premiere: 12 November 2020 in the National Theatre

Romeo and Juliet – John Cranko
In collaboration with the famous set and costume designer Jürgen Rose
Czech premiere: 25 February 2021 in the State Opera

William Forsythe / Edward Clug / Wayne McGregor
Three contemporary choreographers, respected artists, dance innovators
Czech premiere: 6 May 2021 in the State Opera

 The 2020/2021 repertoire:
Krabat (The Sorcerer’s Apprentice) / Kafka: The Trial / Kylián – Bridges of Time / Swan Lake / Leonce & Lena / The Nutcracker – A Christmas Carol / La Fille mal gardée (The Wayward Daughter) / Onegin / Sleeping Beauty
The Czech National Ballet on Tour: Israel – Tel Aviv – The Israeli Opera – 2021 / Spain – Barcelona – The Gran Theatre del Liceu – 2021
The National Theatre project: Dance Laboratory
Accompanying programmes: We Love Ballet
Theatre buildings: The National Theatre / The State Opera / The Estates Theatre / The New Stage

photo: Martin Divíšek
