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The Charming Olga Bogoliubskaia



“When do I feel happy? After the performance when I know I have done all I could and saw it as a gift to the people. That is beautiful.”

An interview with the member of The Czech National Ballet Olga Bogoliubskaia who was born in Moscow, loves fashion and design, gets inspired by Russian literary classics and Remarque – and is a talented dancer.

You dance the main role of Lise in The Wayward Daughter (Le Fille mal gardée)… “This ballet is my favourite one even though it is so hard. As Lise I can play, make fun. Every performance is different because the ballet is full of acting and you can experience each scene in a different way every time. You can improvise a lot.”

If readers wanted to go with you to your favourite place, where would you take them? “In the Czech Republic I fell in love with Vyhlídka Máj (the May viewing point). Once I sat there for fifteen minutes and felt very peaceful. I guess that would be the place I would take them to.”

Come and watch Olga as Lise in the classical comic ballet situated in the picturesque English countryside. The Wayward Daughter (La Fille mal gardée): May 18, 2 pm.

Go to the National Theatre website for the whole interview.

photo: Aleksandre Katsapov
