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SUMMER HOLIDAY PHOTO COMPETITION: General terms and stipulations regarding online competitions on Laterna magika FB/Ig pages


Laterna magika

Take a snap of yourself and upload the photo to Facebook beneath this contribution with the original hashtag #laterna or #laternamagika (the contribution beneath which photos are added can be found attached on the Laterna magika FB page) or to Instagram with the hashtag #laternamagika and tag @laternamagikaprague. You can send the pictures until the end of the summer holidays, when we will reward the photo that will have received the highest number of Likes. The complete rules:

We invite you to join the Laterna magika SUMMER HOLIDAY COMPETITION (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”).

This promotional project is in no manner sponsored or supported by, nor connected with, Facebook itself. Its Participants provide their data to the organiser, which is Laterna magika, a company of the National Theatre in Prague, not to Facebook. The information provided by the Competition Participants will only be used for the Competition’s needs.

The Competition participants agree that the rules are in effect without limitation throughout the time of the Competition’s duration.

  1. Everyone interested in joining the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the “Participant”) can participate in it by replying in the form of a comment to the contribution in which the Competition is announced, by adding an original Competition photograph, or by uploading to Instagram a contribution with a Competition photo content with the hashtag #laterna or #laternamagika (hashtag on the photo, as well as the legend to the photo) and the tag @laternamagikaprague. By doing so, the Participant demonstrates his/her will to accept the terms of the Competition, as well as the complete Competition rules.

2. The main prize is two tickets for a performance of a Laterna magika production, which the Participant can choose from the current programme (with the exception being a performance sold out at the time, as the tickets for such a performance are not available).

3. The main prize winners will be selected on the basis of the number of "Likes" from among all the incoming photographs within 7 days from the end of the Competition and made public on the Laterna magika Facebook pages.

3. The Competition can be joined by persons with permanent residence in the CzechRepublic. Excluded from participation in the Competition are employees and close relatives of employees of the Competition organiser, or persons otherwise connected with the Competition. Corporate entities cannot participate in the Competition.

4. The Competition winner will be contacted so as to agree the manner of the taking over of the prize (collecting it in person or being delivered by post to the address in the CzechRepublic provided by the winner). In the event that the winner will repeatedly fail to respond to the message informing the winner of winning of the prize, or in the event that it will not be possible to hand over the prize to the winner within a reasonable time, without the fault being on the part of the organiser, another winner will be selected, pursuant to the rules identical with those applied in the case of the first winner.

5. The Competition organiser reserves the right to select a substitute winner in the event that it will have the reason to believe that a Participant has breached some of these stipulations and rules.

6. All the Competition Participants will bear any costs or expenses that may incur for them in connection with the Competition (including costs for sending text messages, mms or for accessing the internet). Costs pertaining to the participation in the Competition through the internet may differ, hence, the Participants must ascertain the currently valid rates from their service provider.

7. The prizes the Competition winners will receive are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged. Cash or credit alternatives will not be possible to apply. If, for reasons the organiser could not influence, it will not be possible to provide the respective prize, the organiser reserves the right to provide a substitute prize, at the same or higher value. All prizes are subject to the rules and stipulations of the providers of services included in the respective prize.

8. Any personal data, including the Competition Participant’s name, age, address (including the postcode), mobile telephone number and email address, will be solely used in connection with the Competition itself, and will not be conveyed to any third party, merely for the purposes of the Competition or for providing the prizes to the respective winners.

9. The Competition organiser reserves the right to, without giving the reason, exclude from the Competition the Participants whose behaviour or profile on Facebook/Instagram manifests signs of base or fraudulent conduct (e.g. in the case of a duplicate Facebook account). The Competition organiser reserves the right to exclude from the Competition the Participants whose behaviour or profile is at variance with the rules of the Facebook electronic social network. The Competition Participant’s Facebook profile must exist and be valid throughout the time of the Competition.

10. The Competition Participant bears full liability for violation of the copyrights pertaining to the works used within the Competition. In the event that third parties lodge against the organiser claims linked with violation of copyrights pertaining to the works used by the Participants when creating the Competition works, the Participant undertakes to release the organiser from the obligation to settle any claims relating to violation of copyright laws lodged by third parties, and cover the claims of such third parties to the full.

11. These General Competition Terms are have been in force since 20 July 2018.


