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Slavic Temper in Astana, Kazakhstan



In parallel with staging the premiere of Kafka: The Trial, the Czech National Ballet is visiting a dance festival in Asia

The Czech National Ballet company accepted an invitation to perform at a prestigious Eurasian Dance Festival in Astana, Kazakhstan. Apart from the local Astana Ballet, other famous ballet companies will show their craft, the Mariinsky Theatre from St Petersburg among them. On June 14 our company will present the ballet Slavic Temper in Kazakshstan, comprising three choreographies created directly for the Czech National Ballet: Dumka (Ondřej Vinklát), Aspects (Katarzyna Kozielska) and Perfect Example (Andrey Kaydanovskiy).
At the very same time a third 2018/2019 season premiere – Mauro Bigonzetti’s Kafka: The Trial – will be introduced by the Czech National Ballet in the Estates Theatre in Prague on June 13.

Poster photo: Martin Divíšek
