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ND Café with Michaela Černá and Alexej Afanassiev, ballet masters of the Czech National Ballet



Every ballet master is a teacher but also a psychologist and guru… Tuesday May 28 at 5.30 pm in NONA café at the New Stage

Come and enjoy the ND Café, this time with two ballet masters of the Czech National Ballet – Michaela Černá and Alexej Afanassiev.

Do you know what ballet masters do? We will tell you more about these professionals who help to create the final shape of the performance and actually form the personality of the dancers: not only their technical skills but also their expression and the way they interpret the choreography.
Every ballet master is a teacher but also a psychologist and guru. An invisible supporting element hidden behind every step and success of the dancer.

ND Café – Tuesday May 28 at 5.30 pm in NONA Café at the New Stage
Entrance and a cup of coffee free. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Alexej Afanassiev and Michaela Černá at the rehearsal of Swan Lake (in the middle Andria Hall – staging of Swan Lake in John Cranko's choreography)
photo: Serghei Gherciu

