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Continuously Moving / Stále v pohybu



Interactive installation by Frantisek Pechacek – The National Theatre, The New Stage Videogallery – 14th May 2019, start at 18.00 pm

The Czech National Ballet with its artistic director Filip Barankiewicz introduced the new season 2019/2020 under the slogan CONTINUOUSLY MOVING. One of the first projects reflecting this principle is an installation connecting movement and dance with technology.

František Pecháček created a multigenre project combining live dance, technology and visual art – it employs the idea of interaction in all respects. By recording the movement of viewers in real surroundings it brings about the movement of dancers in virtual space. Time frame collapses, dancing takes place here and now, without the limits of time. The viewer stops being a passive onlooker and actively co-creates the performance. The author explains: What is important to me is the continuous process that does not put an end to things, does not provide answers, does not have any beginning or end.”

New season 2019/2020 – Continuously Moving / Stále v pohybu

Interactive installation Continuously Moving / Stále v pohybu
Choreography: Ondřej Vinklát
Dancers: Kristina Kornová, Minhee Kang, Roger Cuadrado
The New Stage Videogallery
14th May 2019, start at 18.00 pm

photo: František Pecháček
Black Division
