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Alina Nanu and Daniel Camargo as Lise and Colas for first time together



We are going to welcome principal guest of The Czech National Ballet Daniel Camargo as Colas in La Fille mal gardée (The Wayward Daughter) on Saturday June 1st 2019

La Fille mal gardée (The Wayward Daughter) is classical ballet full of humour and with attractive scenography and visuality. Charming ballet comedy, pure joy and fascination by dance. Recommended for children. Celebration of joy of life and celebration of love. Love of Lise and Colas.

“I’m happy to be sharing the stage ones again with Alina and the Czech National Ballet. This time I will have my debut as Colas in La fille mal gardee. Looking forward to see you all in this Saturday evening!” Daniel

La Fille mal gardée (The Wayward Daughter) Saturday June 1st at 19.00 pm in The National Theatre – last tickets available.

Lise: first soloist Alina Nanu
Colas: principal guest of The Czech National Ballet Daniel Camarko
Alain: demisoloist Veaceslav Burlac
Simone: emeritus first soloist and ballet master Jiří Kodym

The Czech National Ballet thanks to The National Theatre Benefactors' Club for generous support.

photo: Serghei Gherciu
