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We’ll be joining National No Rush Day



On 3 April, the National Theatre in Prague will be joining National No Rush Day. Now in its second year, the initiative warns against the ever-increasing number of road accidents, aiming to achieve greater safety on Czech thoroughfares. Speeding and the associated rush and stress cause one third of all fatalities (in 2023 alone, 138 people died on Czech roads).

On 3 April 2024, the Czech National Ballet will support National No Rush Day by delaying for a few minutes the start of the performance of the production bpm (beats per minute). Along with other participating organisations, the media and individuals, we will thus promote the idea of slowing down somewhat, decelerating one’s heartbeat and slacken the tempo of life.

It is better to get to your destination late than not to get there at all… 
Let our hearts beat for life.
